Build Personal Blog with Github & Jekyll

Posted by Yineng Xiong on August 2, 2017



  • Github
  • Jekyll
  1. Github Pages is where people build software. After registration, create a new repository. The name of repo should corresponding with Gighub account, like ***

  2. Jekyll is a website generator that’s designed for building minimal, static blogs to be hosted on Github Pages. Jekyll中文网站

    Choose your favourite theme

Jekyll Themes
Mine is here

Domain Registration

  1. 万网注册域名

  2. Go to the root of your blog’s repo and edit the CNAME file to include your domain name (e.g.

  3. Go to your domain name registrar and add CNAME DNS record pointing your domian to Github Pages

Write Posts

Feel free to checkout Markdown files in the _posts/

The front-matter of a post should like:

layout:     post
title:      "Hello"
subtitle:   "Hello"
date:       2017-08-22 14:00:00
author:     "Yineng Xiong"
header-img: "img/your-mum.jpg"
    - Alibaba


Just git push

Current function

